Sunday, August 8, 2010

GaGa, Giabarba, and the Impossible

Paul Giambarba

What a relief!  Or maybe not? How did Polaroid do a 180 on the demise of instant film and end up with Lady GaGa as creative director?  The new Polaroid Classic Instant 300 takes pictures the size of a business card.  A ten pack is ten dollars at Target online.  More promisingly, the Impossible Project is now marketing their own versions of Polaroid film and new cameras, with package designs by Paul Giambarba, the creator of the original Polaroid product identity.  With the art market in mind, their custom camera kits are also instant, as in instantly disappearing into buyer's hands, and their initial beta film products are selling briskly -- a new black and white stock called Silver Shade goes for $33 USD for an eight pack, including shipping.  Best news of all:  an article on the Impossible site describes how the Silver Shade film can be manipulated just like the original SX70 film. 

Polaroid Classic Instant 300 and Instant 300 Film
Paul Giambarba Website
The Branding of Polaroid
The Impossible Project
"How Did you Get That F*&%ing Awesome Job," ReadyMade, Aug-Sept 2010