Sunday, March 11, 2007

Don't Be an A******

NPR has been full of stories about Robert Sutton's new book The No A****** Rule. The website Fifty Lesson has a video of him talking about the rule. He says something that seems like a worthy follow-up to avoiding a lighthouse:

"If you start reading management books the message tends to be [...] the more you care the better things are going to be. My argument is actually is very often in life, learning not to care and learning to be indifferent is incredibly important and it's something we don't teach people enough. So if you are in a situation where there is nothing that you can do about changing it, you might as well just ignore it and go on and do what's best for you, maybe hide from your boss a little bit. But indifference and not caring is something I think that we need to teach people to get better at. And it's harder to do that in life, but it's one of my goals as an adult is to start getting better and better at figuring out what doesn't matter to me and ignoring it."

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