Monday, December 8, 2008

Caught in a Trap

Turkysh Bath, Edition of 6, List $24,000, Sold 5 @ $17,000 at Scope

This guy Marck from Zurich put us in a box and we can't get out. Over and over we try. We are extremely uncomfortable from the spikes, the water is cold, and we are banging our head on the table. The Licht Feld gallery exhibit space where we were displayed is actually Basel-ian, unlike most of what was present at Miami Basel. Gallerist and member Fredy Hadorn reported that Marck goes by Marck from Zurich and the three video, iron, and glass LCD works that were drawing crowds and making us feel claustrophobic in reality and in empathy are all untitled. In spite of the labels with titles. Whatever. A trend at Scope seemed to be that the German and Swiss galleries don't label their art at all, either titles or artists. You have to ask. And even then they won't tell you the whole name. Which is too bad, because then you really have a hard time finding the guy on the Internet. But you can't help but try, because this work is out of the box, a trip, and unforgettable.

Thorns, Edition of 5, Sold Out, Scope

To remember more about Marck from Zurich:

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